Friday, May 7, 2010

new children

So i have had this new idea manifesting in my brain for some weeks now, and in the past few days I have put my thinking into action. Here are the results of my pondering.

During the time of thinking of the idea of birth and death and decay and the new I have been saving the scrap yarn from finished weavings. I knew that they could be put back into the weaving some how, I just didn't know at the time. Then it recently hit me; a technique that I learned awhile back that brings my pondering full circle. I could take those pieces of scarp yarn and beat them down until they lose the hold of yarn and turns itself into pulp that can then be made into paper.
Unknowing of my new direction, I was forced to make sample weavings by Chrissy Day. That I soon found to be the perfect size for this idea of making a weaving that goes into a new being while in the process of destroying itself.
I am super excited that I pushed the idea out so quickly. Now I am just on the search to find the means to do it during the summer

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