Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Recording Series

Just like the first weaving project I have to focus on a subject for 30 days and make a weaving based off of my gatherings of records. Last time I focused on an object, mold, this time I am focusing on a color, white. Not necessarily the object that have white, but more of the phycology behind the meaning of white. For example white can mean purity, cleanliness, new beginnings, or even in some cultures death. 
For this project I will focus on what happens during my day. Figuring what is pure or new or what is white. Each day after analyzing my tracks I will write about it and post an image if it seems necessary  for further explanation or clarity. 
As for the art I plan on taking scraps and cut offs from past weavings for the weft. Giving texture to the cloth. I also plan on taking the dyed yarn and retracting the color from it by using bleach or thiox bringing it back to a white tone.  

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