Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Stars Alining and Gods Speaking

Becoming a teacher has been a small thought brewing in my mind recently. Being a teachers assistant in the fall for a weaving class has kindled the fire. Along with reading "Thinking Through Craft" has made me think of ways that I would teach and the assignments that I would give.
While working the other day at the country club, Mariza (whom I call my second mother) asked me what I was doing with my art (she can never really understand what it is that I do, thus she asks me every year). I told her that I was thinking about becoming a teacher for college level students the craft of art. Her eyes brighten and her smile grew. She told me that she always thought of me as being a teacher. She saw the way I handled the kids and the members we serve and thought my actions were a perfect suit. I then became happy that my second mother thought that this path was good for me. My real mother also has mentioned me becoming a teacher, but she is always mentioning career paths that I should take.
All in all I am really excited for the class I am taking up in Maine, and I am ecstatic to be a T.A. within a month. Here is to an exciting future!

Life of an Artist

It is a funny thing to call oneself an artist. When announced the common thought is that they sit and paint all the live long day, but an artist is much more then just the act of creating.
An artist to begin with is a creator, but also an informer and an self-employer. An artist creates upon a reaction towards a pestering thought. The final product is to give directions to someone elses thoughts. Creating fulfills my personal legacy. All of creating is just a small window into an artists life and career. To bring life to the work, to give it respect, the artist lets it breathe by allowing the public to view it. In order to let it be in a space the artist much search for the proper atmosphere for it to live in. This leads them to do research, mingle, and travel just to find the right corner of the world that will give the work the proper respect that it deserves.
In all an artist maybe creating 60%? of the time (maybe less), and the rest of the hours are filled with doing research, exposing oneself, and informing the public of themselves and the work produced.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Heart Craves to Create!

Upon reading "The Alchemist" I realized my personal legacy. My heart all summer has been craving to weave, to paint, to CREATE! I have had cravings in the past to make art, but nothing like recent. My eyes, my mind, my hand, my SENSES all have been wanting to be creative, but I haven't allowed it. All because I either didn't have the facility to do it, or I was traveling some where. Reading the Alchemist though made me realize that if you don't listen to your heart your heart will stop specking to you, and soon an unhappy life will be lived. Luckily I only have a few days left working at the country club, and then I can dive into fulfilling my personal legacy. Working on making art!
As an artist who is always questioning things. I asked myself "if manifesting makes my heart happy, why is it that I create decaying objects?" Pondering the thought all day and pulling out past thoughts about work; I realized that I choose this because it reminds me that to be grateful for the small things. Things like time, senses and the material things that we do posses.
The stars are alining so that my personal legacy can be fulfilled. Chrissy Day has told me "to do whatever it takes to keep your art alive." This has stuck with me ever since she said it, and after reading the Alchemist it is going to stick with me even more. Do whatever it takes to fulfill your personal legacy. Thus far in my life I have been given the tools and the know how to create anyway I choose. I just need to create from here on out.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Roles of an Artist


More will be explained later.